Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Acne scar removal in stores

« ...Acne can be the bane of youth and if anyone can provide a permanent solution for this problem, the teens will surely hold him in high esteem. In reality though, each of these possible acne treatments for teenagers needs to be evaluated and chosen based on the one that best suits your individual needs....
...Drink water. Drinking lots of water will prevent your body from becoming dehydrated and will help keep your body and consequently your hormones in balance....»
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«...Of course you can't forget this homemade acne remedy; you will have a mask of egg whites, witch hazel, and lemon juice. The making of the mask is easy, just beat an egg until it is stiff, then add a few drops of witch hazel, and also a few drops of lemon juice. When completely mixed up spread the mixture over your face keeping it in place for 15 minutes. When done rinse off with lukewarm water....»
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tags: getting rid of acne cysts, to get rid of acne home remedies, which birth control pill help acne

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